Not So Cheeky Lately

I get it. I know. ‘The Cheeky Genova’ hasn’t been so cheeky lately. More doom and gloom, right? That vortex of negativity I used to reference in my videos – jeez, haven’t done one of those in a while – I guess I’m stuck in it. But why? And how do I snap out ofContinue reading “Not So Cheeky Lately”

Unshouldering – Heart Dump

A vulnerable open letter. This post straddles a place between rant and open letter, hopefully more the latter. It’s a heart dump. I’m not entirely sure why I’m writing it except for the fact that last night something started to change. So I am sharing it with you. Yesterday, on a crisp fall evening, IContinue reading “Unshouldering – Heart Dump”

Day 1 Of My New Job | Let’s Contribute A Verse

“You must strive to find your own voice because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are going to find it at all.”Dead Poets Society Today is my first day of work! As in the first day I am pursuing a more unconventional career in favor of my passions and writing. AmContinue reading “Day 1 Of My New Job | Let’s Contribute A Verse”

Why I Quit My Job | The Promotion I Found On The Road Less Traveled

“Be an unstoppable force of ambition, determination, and inspiration.” Today, as I draft my notice of resignation from my current employer, I’m sad. I feel uneasy, unsure, uncomfortable, all the “uns” while trying to muster up the courage to leave. To take on the unknown. My Head | Uncertain How do I put this that’sContinue reading “Why I Quit My Job | The Promotion I Found On The Road Less Traveled”